A. Payday loans are quick short-term, high-interest loans made to provide quick cash. Individuals often use payday loans when unexpected emergencies occur to cover their expenses. Interest rates and fees are higher than the typical personal loans that are received from banks. These loans remain popular due to the accessibility and ease and flexibility for those in need of quick cash compared to other forms of credit loans.
A. Payday loans can provide quick cash for unexpected expenses, such as car repairs, medical bills, or even holidays that are not covered by savings or any other forms of credit.
B. Consumers might not have access to other forms of credit such as credit cards or personal loans, due to poor credit history or limited credit available from a bank or other institutions.
C. Payday loans can provide a quick source of income in instances of loss of income and medical emergencies.
D. People often turn to payday loan above other loans due to the minimal paperwork and convenience that it provides.
E. Payday loans are more flexible than other forms of credit as they do not require collateral and are available to all consumers with a variety of financial backgrounds that need money.
F. Consumers in some cases may use these payday loans because they need cash quickly and cannot wait for approval from other traditional lenders.
G. In other instances, consumers will turn to payday loans online because of a lack of any other options for financial assistance.
H. Payday loans are an attractive option for people who might find it difficult to save for emergencies and then need cash in times of need.
I. Payday loans online are a good option for people with short-term financial needs such as covering expenses until the next payday.
A. The Entire Application process for pay day loans is done digitally online. The following documentation will be required by email.
1. A copy of your ID
2. A recent salary Payslip not older than 3 months.
3. 3 Months Bank statements
B. The Following Criteria must be met:
1. You need to be employed for longer than 12 months.
2. Consumers under Debt Review do not qualify.
3. Consumers may not be under administration.
4. You need to be at least 18 years of age.
5. You need to provide proof of income like a payslip.
C. The below Infographic explains the entire loan application process in greater detail.
Click on Apply and Register a New account. Be sure to use a unique username.
Complete the Application steps, Sign and submit your application.
You will receive a Loan ID number and an email verifying that your application has been submitted.
A consultant will either do a credit bureau data check or you will receive an email form a consultant requesting a copy of ID, Payslip and 3 Month Bank Statement. Once submitted it will be revised and you will receive an email of the outcome.
If the Application is approved a Debi-check Mandate will be initiated and you will receive an email notifying that it has been initiated, and that you will have to approve the mandate in order for us to process your loan.
Once you approve the Debi-check mandate you may inform the consultant via email. This can speed up the process. The Funds will then be paid out into your Bank Account. If you make use of FNB the funds reflect immediately, if it is another Bank it will clear that evening!
A. Below infographic explains how all the fees are calculated legally. The maximum Interest rate that may be used is 3% per month (which equates to 36% APR).
This info-graph will help you to understand how the fees and interest are calculated on Payday Loans.
The maximum initiation fee is R150 per credit agreement, plus 10% of the amount of the agreement in excess of R1000, but never to exceed R1000. It may also never exceed 15% of the principal debt.
Maximum Service fee is R60 and is calculated on a Pro-Rata Basis where the agreement was concluded during that calendar month. Example for 15 days the fee would be R30.
The interest rate is 5% per month on the first loan in the calendar year and 3% per month on subsequent loans within that calendar year. We ONLY use the 3% Interest rate at all times.
Vat is charged at a 15% Rate on both the Initiation Fee and the Admin Fee, but NOT on the interest portion of the loan.
A. Payday loans are often criticised for their high-interest rates and fees. These loans can however have a positive effect on your credit score if used correctly and responsibly. Making your payments in a timely fashion can indicate to the credit bureau your ability to make payments and improve your credit score. This can assist the consumer to have access to more affordable forms of credit in the future, such as personal loans or credit cards.
B. Making use of these loans to cover unexpected loans can assist the consumer to avoid missed payments and not to default on other bills which could harm your credit score. You should however take note that taking out multiple payday loans and relying on them could indicate financial stress or instability, potentially leading to a negative effect on your credit score. These loans should be used with caution and only as a last resort.
A. The loan industry has shown significant growth in recent years. New technologies like online lending platforms have made it easier for consumers to access these facilities, reducing the time and effort to apply for these loans. There has been advancement in digital payments and automation in loan servicing which helps to streamline the process, making it faster.
B. These innovations have made it possible for loan companies to reach a wider customer base. This growth shows a commitment to consumers, to provide convenient and accessible financial services to consumers in need.
A. Responsible lending is becoming increasingly important in the payday loan industry, and some companies are leading the way. These companies are not only fast and efficient but they prioritise the financial well-being of the consumers by offering education and assistance to help them manage their finances.
B. This includes financial literacy programs and debt management tools as well as budgeting resources. The goal of this is to assist consumers to avoid financial stress and instability and to promote their well-being. These tools assist consumers in making informed decisions about their spending habits. These companies help to create a sustainable financial landscape for all consumers.
A. Loan scams are devastating to consumers who fall victim to them and only lead to lost funds and damaged credit scores. To protect yourself it is important to be wary of signs and you should always take steps to confirm the legitimacy of any lender you are doing business with. These tips can assist you.
B. Beware of lenders who ask for upfront fees. A legitimate provider will not require any upfront fees. If upfront fees are asked this may indicate a red flag or scam.
C. Do your Research. Before taking a loan look at the provider and search for reviews online. Hellopeter is a good source for reviews. If you note multiple reports of scams, it is best to avoid that lender or website.
D. Check the lender’s status with the National Credit Regulator and if the lender’s contact details on the NCR website match with the lender you are contacting.
E. Be very cautious when you receive unsolicited offers via email. These offers usually take advantage of consumers only to steal their personal information.
F. Always be Vigilant and take steps to protect yourself against scams. This way you minimise risk and can have peace of mind when seeking assistance.
A. These types of loans have their pros and cons and choosing the correct option can be a challenge. Payday loans offer quick and easy access to funds and they are easy to obtain in comparison to other forms of credit, such as personal loans or credit cards.
B. Payday loans can help improve your credit history if you make payments on time. On the other hand, it has higher fees and interest rates and can trap you in a debt cycle.
C. Payday loans do not offer the long-term finance options that personal loans offer, making them less flexible. The choice between the two options will depend on the consumer’s financial situation and their ability to repay the loan.
Maximum APR
Our maximum annual percentage rate is 36%.
Loan Repayment days:
We offer repayment periods from 61 to 65 days.
All payments are made via Debicheck debit order.
Renewing a loan will be seen as a new loan; therefore, the same interest and rates will apply to the new loans.
Non-payment of your account will result in a R69 service fee and 3% interest added monthly. If you fail to make payment for two months, your account will be handed over to an external debt collection company.
Not repaying your loan on time will decrease your credit rating and might make it challenging to qualify for finance at other credit providers in the future.